Tips on Working Efficiently from Home

Woman working in a coffee shop on her computer

Working from home can be rejuvenating or it can present you with some personal challenges. How have you been doing? For many companies, working remotely or from home presents a new type of reality — one with mixed definitions of benefits. It’s important to reflect on the advantages! Agile workplaces that have taken advantage of this […]

Local Business Highlight: ASSET Engineering

With offices in Canton, Mississippi and Jacksonville, Florida, ASSET is an engineering firm that specializes in power systems design and analysis. With a laser of focus on meeting and exceeding client expectations, they are solution providers.   ASSET Engineering’s list of clients include utility companies, independent power producers (including those with renewable energy resources), and […]

Keep Your Customers Updated

As with most businesses, COVID-19 has affected the way you operate. It is more important now than ever to provide your customers and clients with the most accurate information!   One of the first platforms you should prioritize updating is your Google My Business listing. Google My Business serves local communities by helping users find […]

The New Normal and Communicating with your Target Audience

With social distancing, quarantines, and shelter-in-place orders a societal norm for a while, people don’t really have a place to go… except online. Now is a great time to ask yourself:   Am I effectively communicating with my target audience? Am I effectively communicating my updated delivery methods to my target audience? Who exactly are […]

Local Business Highlight: Dr. Woo’s Diabetes and Endocrine Institute

At the Diabetes and Endocrine Institute, Dr. Woo specializes in the study and treatment of issues with the endocrine system. The endocrine glands secrete hormones throughout the body and can cause several disorders like diabetes issues with the thyroid. Dr. Woo is one of the few endocrinologists in the state of Mississippi who holds numerous certifications […]

Working Remotely? Check Out the Benefits of Harnessing G Suite for Business

Like virtually every other company during these strange times, your friends at Think are working remotely. How are we doing it, you ask? Through one of the most powerful tools in collaboration and productivity — G Suite for business.   What is G Suite? G Suite for business serves as an integrated suite of secure, […]

Godzilla and Big Movie Marketing

Big Movie Marketing

Movie marketing is big business, and the new Godzilla movie is no exception. Businesses are more and more engaging in online marketing campaigns to help rank their web content. These businesses could learn from understanding how these big movie marketing campaigns work. Here we’ll lay out some of the key components to big movie marketing […]

Understanding Search & YouTube Trends

In this post we’ll be covering Google Search and YouTube Trends, and how to use the free tools provided by Google to understand trends across the web. Understanding trends can be valuable for several reasons. Not the least of which is finding those topics people are now (even those they will be) interested in. Match […]

Technology at Sochi Olympics 2014

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics are well underway. The US has already medaled in several events for a total of 5 as of this writing. This is two behind the Netherlands and Norway, who each have 7 so far. Aside from all the medals being won, there is a lot of technology going on behind […]

Business Strategy Step 3: Evaluation

Business Strategy Evaluation

Business strategy is more complicated than three simple steps, but you can encapsulate the basic movement of business planning by looking at it in three general phases. Perhaps in the future we will look in deeper detail at some of the specifics in each of the three steps, but for now we will end our […]

Content Marketing in 2014

For years now content marketing has been the talk of the town so to speak, and 2014 is in many ways no different. Content is still king, and a content marketing strategy is essential for doing well in Google Search.

Google Authorship Overview

Google Authorship

Google’s authorship program, announced in June of 2011, has seen steadily increasing adoption over the past couple years. Basically, authorship markup is used to connect an author, via their Google Plus profile, with content they produce online.

Business Strategy Step 2: Implementation

Business Strategy Evaluation

In this third article of our business strategy series, we look at implementation of a new business strategy for your company. In our last article we explored the development of a formal strategy for your particular business. Once you have all of the details sorted out and the plan is finalized, the next logical step […]

Happy New Year & What 2014 Has to Offer

Happy New Year 2014

First of all we’d like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year 2014! We saw a lot of changes last year in the world of SEO, online marketing, social media, and beyond.

Think Blogging Year End Review

Online Marketing in Review

We’ve covered a range of topics since we started blogging regularly near the end of September 2013. This has been something of an experiment to discover whether producing quality content, on a regular basis, could have a positive impact on the number of visitors we see on our site. We saw some impressive numbers in […]

Mississippi Bank, M&F Bank, Gets Lucrative Deal — Think Webstore Celebrates Client Success

Mississippi advertising agency Think Webstore loses bank client after 18 months of success due to a highly lucrative merger. In just 16 months, M&F Bank (FMFC) stock prices rose from $3.07 on October 3, 2011 to $8.45 on February 6, 2013, the day before a merger announcement, outperforming top competitors in their market. Word in the banking community is that M&F Bank went on a “Marketing Blitz” and secured a generous acquisition deal involving a stock transaction of over $140 million.

Business Strategy Step 1: Formulation

Business Strategy Evaluation

Today we return to the theme of Business Strategy, beginning at the beginning – the formulation of a company’s strategy. Without proper preparation, evaluation, and planning, even the best plans and strategies will fall flat. To devise a strategy that will work for your particular business, you must approach the process with as much information […]

Social Media Reality Check

Social Media Reality Check

Social media has become such a part of most of our lives that life without it seems a distant memory. It’s tough to imagine that Facebook has only been around since 2004 – that’s just 9 years ago. Interestingly, LinkedIn is slightly older, launched in 2003, making it just 10 years old. Twitter is slightly […]

Business Strategy: An Introduction

Business Strategy Introduction

After putting together a few blog posts on branding (here and here), we thought it might be helpful to look at the overall picture of Business Strategy. Branding is certainly an element of Business Strategy, but it is only one piece of a much larger and more complex puzzle. Every business needs a strategy in […]

The Importance of Mobile for Black Friday, Cyber Monday & Beyond

Optimize for Mobile

Optimizing your website for mobile is becoming less of an option and more of a requirement than ever before. The number one issue reported by mobile web users was slow load times (Gomez). This statistic is followed closely by the fact that the study found 46% of mobile web users were unlikely to return to […]

Company Branding and Design

Business Branding

Once you have made the investment to learn about your target audience, the ideas for branding imagery begin to be narrowed down. See our article ‘Business Branding’ for more general information on the branding equation. When the concepts for your company brand begin to become clear, it’s now time to bring in the design […]

Business Branding

Business Branding

Let’s begin with what seems to be a self-evident statement: good branding is of vital importance in the growth and success of your company. Though this statement seems obvious, if you look around at the “branding” of so many companies, there are certain things that have been entirely overlooked or ignored in their branding process. […]

Blogging for Business

Blogging for Business

What There are so many ways that businesses today can reach out to their audience – television, radio, print, online ads, public space ads, etc. But there’s one type of reach that is growing both in popularity and influence, and also seems to be doing a particularly good job of connecting businesses to potential consumers […]