
Local Business Highlight: ASSET Engineering

With offices in Canton, Mississippi and Jacksonville, Florida, ASSET is an engineering firm that

Creative Intelligence

How do you color your decisions?

Doing the Right Thing

Friends and Foes

Bet on the Want


Local Business Highlight: ASSET Engineering

With offices in Canton, Mississippi and Jacksonville, Florida, ASSET is an engineering firm that

Local Business Highlight: Dr. Woo’s Diabetes and Endocrine Institute

At the Diabetes and Endocrine Institute, Dr. Woo specializes in the study and treatment


Keep Your Customers Updated

As with most businesses, COVID-19 has affected the way you operate. It is more

The New Normal and Communicating with your Target Audience

With social distancing, quarantines, and shelter-in-place orders a societal norm for a while, people

Big Movie Marketing

Godzilla and Big Movie Marketing

Movie marketing is big business, and the new Godzilla movie is no exception. Businesses

WhatsApp/Facebook $19 Billion Dollar Deal

Facebook Buys WhatsApp for $19 Billion

Facebook recently acquired a company called WhatsApp for $19 billion dollars.


Woman working in a coffee shop on her computer

Tips on Working Efficiently from Home

Working from home can be rejuvenating or it can present you with some personal

Working Remotely? Check Out the Benefits of Harnessing G Suite for Business

Like virtually every other company during these strange times, your friends at Think are

Understanding Search & YouTube Trends

In this post we’ll be covering Google Search and YouTube Trends, and how to

Technology at Sochi Olympics 2014

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics are well underway. The US has already medaled in